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Adult Shinny 

The RASCC Adult Shinny League is back for another season


Goal – The goal of our league is to play safe, friendly, and lightly organized hockey with consistent teams of neighbourhood adults. If you are looking for a highly competitive hockey experience, this is not the right league for you. Players of all experience levels are welcome, provided they have the basic skating and hockey skills required to play hockey safely. 


Cost – $75 for a 10-game season. Fees are a donation to RASCC to help cover the costs of ice maintenance. No refunds due to games missed due to absence or cancellation due to weather.


Dates – Teams will play one game per week on Sunday or Monday evening


* If there are more than 6 teams, we might add Wednesday evenings as well  


Time – Games begin at 7:15pm or 8:30pm




1)         RASCC Permission Click – Insurance info and payment


Hope you can join us at the rink!


Karl and Eric – RASCC Adult Shinny League Convenors 






She Shinny is a program designated for women-only use of the rink. This program is open to girls and women of any age and skill level. Non-binary/gender fluid people are super welcome. Bring your own stick and join in a game of pick-up hockey.


SCHEDULE: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM- 8:00 PM Start date TBD


LOCATION: Robert A. Steen Community Centre, 980 Palmerston Avenue


FEE: $40.00


AGE GROUP: All Ages Welcome



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